Just finished watching two movies... Last exam tomorrow.
Its been wierd this time... never felt as if exams were on. In fact had more fun during the damn exams rather than before. Night time tea sessions at Shivajinagar. Night shows for hollywood movies hindi mein, that too housefull. Plaing silly flash games or watching some movie on the laptop till 1(am), studying till 2, waking up at 9, going to Anna's and complaning had too much to eat, cant possibly study now and after all this sitting for the exam at 2 and then coming out and say "Man that went better than expected!!". Thats the one good thing about not studying, you expect the worst but it always goes better than expected and you come out happy. Thats any day better than studying hard, not being able to do as well and coming out disappointed.
And not just me, everyone in the hostel just did tp for most part. Even when the next day was gonna be shit and I knew it and I just couldn't get myself to study for it. TO give you an idea, I installed NFS Carbon (again) just before the exams knowing full well that man this is THE ONE THING i should NOT be doing, but to hell with it all. AND believe it or not, I have completed the damn career mode and the challenger series has just 5 more gold races left. Its a freaking 5 GB game, and i had exams going on.
As i type this, it is 1am (exact) on Dec the 10th. It has been: 25th Nov to 10th Dec - 16 days, 13 exams, 8 subjects, 7 theory papers, 6 practicals and 3 holidays; MSc Bioinformatics Semester III ends. Didnt feel anything this time, neither the dread, fear nor the high. Thats why its been wierd this time. But still feeling happy that the exams are ending.