I wrote the title spontaneously... perhaps because i have been feeling guilty. Feeling guilty that i haven't been paying much attention to the blog, that twitter and facebook have so totally side tracked the blog.
Its just that twitter is so straight forward and simple, u update from anywhere and its out there. Facebook on the other hand is so interactive. But i have always known that its the blog which will last, which will record and which will be read every time i feel nostalgic and want to reminisce. The fact that it can be vice-versa is just another feature... :)
So many things have happened since last post. 4th sem started, results good enuff. Got a good project under a good guide. Already went for two trips Vasota and Purandar (more on that later... ;) ). So i am pretty much relaxed; as i have always been, in MSc. No worries, no tension. Of course the future remains an open question, but somehow it doesn't bother me much, definitely not the way it bothered in BSc. I mean i am kinda used to it. In 10th they told me to rub my a** off so i get electronics. I opted for biology anyways (opted, since i didn't want electronics which i was getting btw). In 12th they told me to rub my a** off so i get engineering. I opted for BSc anyways. In BSc they told me to rub my a** off so i get a good MSc. I got not 1 but 3 good MScs. Now they tell me to rub my a**off for a good PhD. Well, there's not much left to rub anymore i guess. I know something will come along, that it will be good and what more do i want?? :)
I notice that i blog mostly when i am feeling happy. Perhaps when i read this in future i will only be reminded of the good things that took place. That's definitely a good thing, who wants to remember the bad things anyways. This blog was intended for only one reader, and this post, thus, is meant only for him. Cheers buddy!!!... :)