Monday, August 10, 2009

Swine Flu ONLY infects Swine!!!

Life is going on, as it so normally does, as it is supposed to, it is so silly when we say life is going on, after all if it had stopped we wouldn't be saying anything. YET it makes the world of sense to me - that life is going on.

Meanwhile Swine Flu is going strong in Pune. Initially it was only in Pune. Then the nearby Symbiosis closed for a week. Then a girl died. The media went over board. People flocked to medical shops for buying surgical masks. Swine Flu came ever nearer all the time. All of a sudden everywhere people were walking masked. 4 girls from the girls hostel went to get themselves tested and even before the tests were done they were Swine Flu patients. Then 3 boys from the guys hostel were supposedly down with the Swine Flu. Huge posters were put up at the Univ gate which warned people about the Flu. But the Flu came ever nearer. Now a friend of a friend is down with the Flu, then it will be my friends down with the flu and then it will be me. I am pretty sure of that. But so what, every year this happens with other Flus and other viruses and other diseases.

Media of this country is the most irresponsible of all institutions. Seriously the most idiotic of all. It sucks so big f$#*ing time that I am falling short of expressing my disdain and disgust at the media. They advise all who have Flu like symptoms to get themselves tested. They do not advise that people with SWINE FLU LIKE SYMPTOM ONLY go and get themselves tested.

As a result 3000 people turn up at Naidu hospital. People sneeze, they cough, they touch and convert a thousand square feet of area into fomites with their dirty hands. The H1N1 floats every where, it mixes in warm bodies harboring other viruses, improves its own offense and defense, many of these warm bodies would grow cold as a result. More people get infected there than were before. Thats how the virus spreads. The media never gives clearly what are the exact symptoms, how to differentiate between a normal Flu and a Swine Flu, and different sources cite different experts and say different things.

And YET surgical masks are sold at signals for 5 a piece (Half to Quarter of the Price u get in Medicals). Most probably used and not disposed off properly. And YET people in crowded buses and trains cough and sneeze at other peoples' faces with gay abandon. The other person doesn't seem to mind as such anyways.

And some die, but YET some live, and thus STILL life goes on, as it is supposed to. And thats why it makes so much sense.

1 comment:

Nikhil said...

Well, i can't help but agree with everything you have said. The madness that surrounds the Swine Flu is alarming.
A quote from an article in wikipedia says="20,000 people die of the new NOVEL H1N1 virus and everyone wants to wear a mask, 9 million people die of AIDS yet no one wants to wear a condom!"

And of course just like where there is fire, there is smoke, where there is hyped up news and masses going overboard, there is the indian media. They know not of responsible reporting. Take the most recent SRK escapade. What a hue and cry my gosh!

Its the layman's secret desire to drama that the media plays on. And unfortunately the saying is true.. every minute a sucker is born.